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¤Ţħę¤Ĥõļļøω¤£õģ¤ [style ff:Georgia;co:#000000;b;i;]... Easy Going Chatroom :) [/style] [style ff:Georgia;co:#006633;b;i;] So Grab a (c) [style ff:Georgia;co:#CC0000;b;i;] make some new friends :rb [/style] [style ff:Georgia;co:#006633;b;i;] or you can sit back with a (b)[/style] [style ff:Georgia;co:#000000;b;i;] and Play a round or 2 of Trivia 8-|[/style] [style ff:Georgia;co:#CC0000;b;i;] Come on in and give us a try!!! :p [/style] 0 English
«¤Ŋσŗŧħ¤§ŧąґ¤»£õûņğê [style ff:Georgia;co:#0000CC;b;i;]Just searching for someone to talk with? ;)[/style][style ff:Georgia;co:#006633;b;i;] Just follow the light of [/style][style ff:Georgia;co:#CC0000;b;i;]the ¤Ŋσŗŧħ¤§ŧąґ¤[/style][style ff:Georgia;co:#006633;b;i;] and you won't be lost[/style][style ff:Georgia;co:#0000CC;b;i;]...Come join us :) [/style] 0 English
Extreme Kicking Experience Extreme Kicking Experience Kicking In Progress, if you don't like it...Leave now. You may be kicked for no reason at all. If any problems please Contact the owners of this chat and they are Frank, DJ_Ghost, and DJ_RobJRocks [kicking someone because you do not like them is not allowed, if you are not an admin DO NOT do it or face a ban.] Do we make ourselves clear? - Thanks, E.K.E Management.[br]Check Out Howling Rock Radio @ . They Have Some Really Good Music! ^^:(rg) 4 English
Sanitarium 3 English
G2X 1 English
Johnnys bar 1 English

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